Have you ever seen parsley root? I hadn’t. Always curious about new foods, I asked the farmer at the stand the best way to cook and eat it. He said that his favorite way to eat it was as a soup. It was fall-like outside, so soup sounded good. As I was paying for the parsley root, I asked him if the greens were edible. He looked at me for what felt like 5 minutes and said very slowly, “yes ma’am……it’s parsley”. So, once I wiped the egg off my face, I went home and made some soup. It was a very simple soup but quite tasty. I didn’t write down the exactly what I made, but below is a rough guide of what I threw together. Sautee some garlic and onion in butter. Throw in the parsley root, chopped (I peeled it, but I’m not really certain that it’s necessary). Cover with veggie or chicken stock. Let it simmer until parsley root is tender. Puree with immersion blender. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with parley leaves. Yummmmmmm.